[ExI] Russia using AI killer drones in Ukraine

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 15:28:02 UTC 2024

Who knows?  It's all war propaganda - from both sides.


On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 at 15:21, Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Is this AI akin to that in IR-guided homing missiles, or other such "kamikaze drones" that have been in use for decades?
> On Mon, Mar 11, 2024, 7:47 AM BillK via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> Russia deploys ‘killer robot’ drones in Ukraine, as Nato urged to win arms race
>> The Kremlin is using “kamikaze drones” with an apparent new capacity
>> to single out Ukrainian weaponry such as Western-supplied tanks and
>> lock on to targets without the need for a pilot to control the final
>> attack.
>> <https://inews.co.uk/news/russia-killer-robot-drones-ukraine-nato-arms-race-2950335>
>> Quotes:
>> Moscow has previously boasted that it is developing fully automatic
>> drones that can locate and destroy weaponry or defences without a
>> human involved.
>> Experts suggest that the “target lock” system, which the Lancet’s
>> manufacturer Zala has previously highlighted, uses machine learning to
>> automatically identify a preloaded “catalogue” of Ukrainian equipment,
>> including high-end Western weaponry.
>> It can then enter an attack mode which appears to operate without the
>> need for a human pilot – a system likely to have been developed to
>> overcome electronic warfare jamming technology, which is capable of
>> defeating a drone attack by blocking the signal from an operator.
>> -----------------------
>> This claim may or may not be true, but the article reads as an
>> incentive (or reason) for Western military forces to produce the same
>> type of automatic killer drones.
>> If the operator signals can now be blocked, then AI controlled
>> automatic drones become a military requirement.
>> BillK
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