[ExI] Communications a Moore's Law Phenomenon?

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 17:46:18 UTC 2024

On Wed, Mar 13, 2024, 12:50 PM Kelly Anderson via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> going. So what happens then? I postulate that AIs will communicate on
> our behalf, and that this will reduce the amount of time we actually
> spend talking to each other directly. On this list, in fact, I've seen
> a number of us post AI missives already. I've done it myself. So, at
> some point, we'll be communicating with so many people, so often, that
> we won't even know it's happening, except in some sort of vague way...
> like a CEO having an executive secretary.
> [Snip]
> This one was written without that assistance. Is it because you guys
> aren't important enough? Or is it because I deem you so important that
> you get the personalized treatment?

I have also imagined that our AI exo-self will act as agents on our behalf
at volumes and speeds that we currently cannot comprehend.

I find myself more and more simply not commenting on facebook's content -
is it because the content is garbage? Perhaps some.  Is it because bad
faith actors will pounce on the least important words while also missing my
point completely? Yup, that too.  So yeah, there's another reason we won't
actually "talk" directly to each other: talking is more work effort than
the reward.

fwiw: if it's clear (as etiquette seems to have organically established)
that the OP couldn't be bothered to write, I see no reason we (the intended
audience) should be bothered to read.  So maybe your unaugmented self is
signalling safety and trust for this community by investing the time/effort
to write because you intend for us to read you.

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