[ExI] worship at the holy schlamoly shrine

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Tue Mar 19 21:52:28 UTC 2024

Fascinating! Thank you very much for sharing! =)

Best regards,

On Tue, 19 Mar 2024, spike jones via extropy-chat wrote:

> Nvidea has a market cap this month of 2.23 trillion dollars, moving it ahead of Saudi Aramco as the third highest market cap company
> in all zee vorld.
> I had breakfast at the Denny’s where it started in 2001, took a reverent moment to genuflect before the holy schlamoly shrine to
> raging technology and shameless capitalism.
> Kewalll!
> Now of course these Nvidea chips are going into humanoid robots, a real life K-2SO, we are all cooked.  But still.
> spike

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