[ExI] AI and Eliezer

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 01:10:06 UTC 2024

On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 5:04 PM Samantha via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Oh my.  Eliezer the luddite.    I have been off the opinion for over two
> decades that there is no way for humanity to continue at the current
> level, much less transcend this level, without massively more effective
> intelligence deployed than today whether human or artificial.
> If this is so then AGI is *essential* to human flourishing.

I agree.

> Also "shut it down" means shutting down and controlling the entire
> internet at this point.  The work has gone well outside a few large tech
> companies.  It is vibrantly alive and being advanced in the open source
> world.  Surely Eliezer doesn't believe humanity could survive the level
> of tyranny it would actually take to "shut it down"?

A point I don't think Eliezer considers is that humans are dangerous
Humans are selected for wars, from circulating xenophobic memes when
it looks like resources will get tight to irrational optimism about
winning wars.

At least AIs have not been selected for such traits.

> - samantha
> On 3/13/24 17:31, Keith Henson via extropy-chat wrote:
> > I have been perusing X recently to see what Anders Sandberg and
> > Eliezer have been saying
> >
> > Eliezer Yudkowsky
> > @ESYudkowsky
> > ·
> > 4h
> > I don't feel like I know. Does anyone on the ground in DC feel like
> > making a case? To be clear, the correct action is "Shut it down
> > worldwide" and other actions don't matter; I'm not interested in who
> > tries to regulate it more strictly or has nicer goals.
> >
> > ·
> > 16m
> > Replying to
> > @ESYudkowsky
> > Given the economic, political, and international realities, do you
> > think "shut it down" is possible? If not, are there any other options?
> > You might remember a story I posted on sl4 where a very well aligned
> > AI caused humans to go extinct (though nobody died).
> >
> >
> > Keith
> >
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