[ExI] Is the intention to make all cars self-driving?
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Mon Mar 25 02:42:59 UTC 2024
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat
Subject: [ExI] Is the intention to make all cars self-driving?
>...This article is an enjoyable rant about how cars are being computerised so that eventually they will be unable to break any of the hundreds of traffic laws.
Would You Still Want to Drive . . .
By eric peters March 24, 2024
BillK, think of the savings. I am keeping my 21 and 16 year old cars running, because they don't have all that electronic stuff on it. I save bigtime.
Side note, since you brought it up: I go to the annual car show in San Jose most years because I am one who likes cars. Recently the car companies introduced a bunch of all-electric vehicles. I noticed something interesting: the car enthusiast crowd ignores them. They crowd around the dino burners, gaze lovingly under the hood, study the numbers. The EVs are lucky to get anything more than a passing glance. My best guess: the EVs are still selling, but the car-loving crowd isn't buying them. But hey, we save money. Such a deal.
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