[ExI] libertarians nominate none of these

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Mar 25 19:00:16 UTC 2024

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com> 
Subject: Re: [ExI] libertarians nominate none of these

>...Spike, if I have ever met a Green party member I don't remember it...

Ja, the Green party is an even odder mixture than Libertarians.  There are preservationists, as I am, but who insist that preservation efforts must be done with private funding.  Greens like big government, which makes them incompatible with Libertarians.

Libertarians have the usual all drugs should be legal crowd, which makes me very nervous, the no-borders crowd, which makes me nervous, and a lot of mutually incompatible factions.

>...My impression at the time was that these people could not agree on where to have lunch... Keith

Very little has changed.  We had a pretty good guy in 2000: Harry Browne.  He even spanned the gap in Florida, and in that sense decided the election, but unfortunately no one ever heard of him, even after he managed to hand the Florida and national election to that feller whose name I cannot recall.


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