[ExI] libertarians nominate none of these

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Mar 27 02:06:34 UTC 2024

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat

>...If legalizing recreational drugs and allowing free movement of peaceful individuals across national borders makes you nervous, then libertarianism is probably not the right political philosophy for you...


Hi Dan, ja to all.  I don't claim to be a mainstream libertarian.  If all borders are completely open, every country in the world will ship their prisoners to you.  You get to care for them free of charge, and clean up their messes.  If all drugs are legal, they soon get mixed with pharmaceuticals, as opium did in the 19th century.  Both of those have bad consequences.  But spending beyond federal government's revenue has even worse consequences, which is why the runaway spending is most intense focus in elections.  Viewed from that perspective, it is often difficult to distinguish between the mainstream parties.


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