[ExI] Communications a Moore's Law Phenomenon?

Kelly Anderson postmowoods at gmail.com
Sun Mar 31 11:31:05 UTC 2024

On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 7:49 AM efc--- via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Hello Kelly,
> On Mon, 18 Mar 2024, Kelly Anderson via extropy-chat wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 12:11 PM efc--- via extropy-chat
> > <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> >> On Wed, 13 Mar 2024, Mike Dougherty via extropy-chat wrote:
> >
> > And yet, talking to salespeople can be helpful to your endeavors, if
> > they turn out to have something we actually need. An AI agent could
> Sadly those sales people are so few and far in between that I'll take
> the loss of them. Granted, there are a few sales people who are
> brilliant, but I am sure they will find other ways of interacting with
> me.
> Most sales people I meet are just annoying. But yes, you are right, the
> ones who are good are worth their weight in gold.

I meet a lot of helpful sales people in my woodworking business.
Perhaps it's simpler. But I hadn't until just recently run into Paul
saws, which are simply amazing. Wish I had known about them earlier.
Google doesn't solve every problem for someone seeking technology.
It's been challenging for me, and sales people have helped a lot.

> That would be the day! Imagine just telling your AI, I want this trip,
> my wife wants to see these things, the maximum cost is this much, and
> here's when we want to travel, and have a service that's good enough, to
> give you peace of mind enough, to trust it and just get a finished trip
> back.

I guess I think more in terms of B2B than consumer level sales when I
think of useful sales people.

> > So back around 2003, I created a company called Habit 3 software
> > (after the third Habit of Steven Covey's famous 7, namely, "Put first
> > things first.") that intended to create an email client that sorted
> > email in order of importance. I got it working fairly well using what
> > passed for AI at the time... multiple heuristics... but eventually
> > abandoned the project because gmail looked like it might go in that
> > direction. It never did, and I regret abandoning the project now.
> > Anyway, within that program, I also had a concept of "Roles" so that
> > if you were in the "Role" of "scoutmaster", scout's emails would
> Interesting. Roles would be equivalent to what I have different email
> accounts for.

I could see where that could work. However, some emails might
intersect multiple roles.

> > bubble to the top, but if you were in the Role of "Dad" then your
> > kid's emails would bubble to the top. The idea was to set a specific
> > amount of time on each role each day, and address the most important
> > things to that role first, and keep track of what kind of time was
> > spent on each role, so that you could properly prioritize your time.
> > Having an AI automatically answer low priority emails in such a system
> I no longer get 250-300 emails per day, so today I do glance through
> mail manually when deciding which ones to work on and reply to first.
> But nice concept though, not even having to do that. =)

The idea was based on my watching people dealing with spam back in the
day. They would spend the first few minutes with their email client
deleting spam, and only then would they start reading the good stuff.
I don't think spam is as much of an issue now. Not sure if AI has
anything to do with that, or the reduction in the importance of email
in an SMS kind of world. I get way more Spam on SMS than I do in email


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