[ExI] Sex Robots with AI soon available

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat May 4 17:32:19 UTC 2024

On Sat, 4 May 2024 at 17:07, <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
> OK, we're done.  Finished!  Humanity is soooo over, dead and gone.  The
> Great Filter is mysterious no more.  And all along we thought it was going
> to be nukes or lab viruses or unfriendly AI doing us in.  It was none of
> that.  We have screwed ourselves.
> spike

As you know, there is a lot of work going into giving robots mobile bodies.
Mainly for factory work. But they are very expensive at present,
as well as being not very human-like in their movements.
But money is being poured into research.

See: <https://digitalhabitats.global/blogs/cobots-1/seductive-female-robot-shows-how-it-will-replace-humans>
May 03, 2024
Seductive Female Robot Shows How It Will Replace Humans!
AI and robotics are rapidly advancing, raising concerns about their
potential to replace humans in various tasks and sparking debates
about robot rights and potential dangers.
The development of advanced female robot Sarah signals the age of the
machines and the potential replacement of humans by robots.

(This is a different project from the Harmony robot).


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