[ExI] Future Powerful AI Systems to Be Contained in Military Bases

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Fri May 24 11:42:07 UTC 2024

If they have access to the Internet, which seems to be a practical
necessity for the "most powerful" AI to have that title (raw computational
power alone not cutting it), how - other than in the mere physical hosting
sense - can they truly be said to be "contained"?

And in the nightmare scenario, would not physical proximity to military
assets make them far more dangerous if on a military base, on the military
side of certain firewalls?

On Fri, May 24, 2024, 7:22 AM BillK via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Eric Schmidt’s Alarming Prediction: Future AI Systems to Be Contained
> in Military Bases
> May 23, 2024   written by Rachelle J. Alley.
> <
> https://www.vpnranks.com/news/eric-schmidts-alarming-prediction-about-future-ai-system/
> >
> Quotes:
> Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has declared that the most powerful AI
> systems of the future will need to be contained within military bases
> due to their potentially dangerous capabilities. Schmidt stated, “The
> capabilities of these AI systems will be so dangerous that they must
> be contained within military bases to prevent misuse or unintended
> consequences.”
> This sentiment echoes the warnings of other tech visionaries and AI
> experts.
> -----------------------
> BillK
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