[ExI] AI is now designing chips for AI

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Nov 2 15:03:08 UTC 2024

AI is now designing chips for AI

AI software is rapidly accelerating chip design, potentially leveling
up the speed of innovation across the economy.
By Kristin Houser        November 2, 2024

Just like AlphaZero, an AI trained to design chips can run through
options far faster than an engineer can. As a result, engineers are
now able to rapidly design chips that aren’t just “good enough,” but

“AI is already performing parts of the design process better than
humans,” Bill Dally, chief scientist and senior VP of research at

“We would love to see a future where AI could help automate and
optimize the entire chip design process for many kinds of chips,” said
Mirhoseini and Goldie. “Imagine whenever someone wants to design a new
chip, they could simply describe an application to a future version of
AlphaChip, which then outputs a fully specified chip design that is
ready for manufacturing.”

Hmmmm.  So we don't understand how LLM AIs do their thinking, but
we'll let them design chips that we also won't understand how they
work either.
What could possibly go wrong?


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