[ExI] new job

Kelly Anderson postmowoods at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 19:36:46 UTC 2024

For many years, I've been saying that one of the next self made
billionaires will be the person who figures out what people do with their
time riding around in autonomous vehicles. Elon Musk has obviously made a
play for a big part of this with Starlink answering the question with the
answer, "They'll be browsing the Internet silly man." It's interesting how
all of his stuff is interrelated. Seeing how Tesla and SpaceX and X all
integrate to make him more and more money, as well as DOGE (the government
thing, not the crypto currency) and its effect on all of the above. In any
case, I see what Spike is saying as a small part of those billions to be
made. When people can do fun or useful things in their cars, they may be
more open to having longer commutes, and living further out in nicer

I still think there is something else. Part of me thinks it might be
related to carpool hookups for longer trips, but there just aren't all that
many sluts out there. So it must be something else. I can taste it with my
mind... distantly... but I really don't think I know what it will be
exactly yet. When it happens, it will be every bit as interesting as
Facebook was at the beginning. Could it be something with VR? I just don't
quite know, and not knowing the future makes me want to think harder about

Any other thoughts on what this next big thing could be?


On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 9:02 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Well, OK not exactly.  But it occurred to me that a lot of fun new jobs
> today didn’t even exist back in the olden days, such as 2020.
> Musk introduced the robotaxi last month, which we talked about here for
> decades.  In all that discussion, nobody ever realized a new requirement:
> somebody to write fun wisecracks for the taxi to say.  Since it is a
> computer with voice, you could have it do accents, you could have it guess
> by the name on the credit card if the passenger is male or female.  Then
> have it say upon arrival in a female voice: OK Mister, you wanted to come
> here.  You did.  Now get outta me.
> That sorta thing, extra points for funny dual-interpretable sexual
> innuendo.  Sure you will offend the delicate college student crowd, but the
> little old ladies will love it.
> spike
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