[ExI] Self-driving tiny homes

Kelly Anderson postmowoods at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 20:47:14 UTC 2024

On Sun, Nov 24, 2024 at 1:49 PM BillK via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> They have these vehicles already - motorhomes. Just add self-driving
> automation.
> Unfortunately, for safety and insurance and by law, all passengers
> must be seated and belted in while the vehicle is in motion.
> So there would be no advantage in commuting in your home.
> Perhaps a self-driving car, with the option of towing a mobile home
> when required, might be a better option.
> BillK
Yes, Bill. They do have motor homes. Autonomous motor homes would have
slightly different design criteria. For example, how do you safely secure
yourself when taking a shower on the road? How do you protect your private
goods inside the motor home when it is renting itself out?

I found that Audi has done a few design outings in this direction including
one they planned for 2035. If anyone makes this work, I predict they will
have a lot of fans. People living on universal basic income will need
minimum housing, and this might do it... Although not with the price tag of
an Audi, most likely.

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