[ExI] Privacy

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Oct 31 11:34:48 UTC 2024

On Wed, 30 Oct 2024 at 09:48, MB via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> I'd be reluctant to talk with a robot, for fear of spying type stuff.  I'm
> getting more silent nowadays: people all have phones that can record what
> others say.
> Regards, MB
> _______________________________________________

I think that for the great majority of people with smartphones,
privacy doesn't exist. This is especially true for the younger
generation, who grew up with an always-present social media.  And that
is not even seen as a problem. Their whole life is recorded in their
smartphone. Older users may prefer a laptop or desktop computer.
That is why police investigators always seize phones, laptops and any
other computer devices.
With AI agents now being added to phones and computers, privacy will
only get worse. If your personal AI assistant, therapist, or companion
is to be really helpful, it has to know an awful lot about you. These
AI agents will be acting on your behalf, answering calls and emails,
booking travel, meetings, hotels, medical checks, etc.
(As an aside, there is no reason why the AI replicas of deceased
people could not also have AI agents added to continue acting for them
after their death).

There is little that elder past generations can do to maintain their
privacy. They would have to opt out of much of modern technology. This
will become more and more difficult as technology takes over western


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