[ExI] Tabby's star

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Oct 31 14:36:21 UTC 2024

Tabby’s star is approximately 1,470 light-years away, meaning we're
observing it as it was 1,470 years ago. If an advanced civilization
were indeed building Dyson-like structures around their star back
then, we would expect them to have made exponential technological
progress over the intervening 1,500 years. Given that timespan, they
would likely possess capabilities far beyond ours—potentially even
reaching a level of technology that could allow them to spread
throughout the Milky Way.

However, if this civilization had expanded toward our region of the
galaxy, we would likely detect clear signs of their development around
stars closer than Tabby's star. The absence of such observable
megastructures or activity in nearby systems might suggest either that
they haven’t expanded toward us or that they've intentionally chosen
not to spread widely. But perhaps the most likely answer is that an
advanced civilization doesn't exist at Tabby's star.


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