[ExI] Tabby's star

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Thu Oct 31 17:28:00 UTC 2024

On Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 7:38 AM BillK via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Tabby’s star is approximately 1,470 light-years away, meaning we're
> observing it as it was 1,470 years ago. If an advanced civilization
> were indeed building Dyson-like structures around their star back
> then, we would expect them to have made exponential technological
> progress over the intervening 1,500 years.

Perhaps.  I also find it possible that there is a limit to technical
progress.  Incidentally, an AI made a case that they had been in space
for 3000 years.

Given that timespan, they
> would likely possess capabilities far beyond ours—potentially even
> reaching a level of technology that could allow them to spread
> throughout the Milky Way.

That seems to be the case, though they don't seem to have FTL.

> However, if this civilization had expanded toward our region of the
> galaxy, we would likely detect clear signs of their development around
> stars closer than Tabby's star.

I think this has been discussed on this list and a map posted.  The
closest one that exhibits light dips is 511 light-years off.

The absence of such observable
> megastructures or activity in nearby systems might suggest either that
> they haven’t expanded toward us or that they've intentionally chosen
> not to spread widely. But perhaps the most likely answer is that an
> advanced civilization doesn't exist at Tabby's star.
> BillK
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