[ExI] Stephen Hawking's radical final theory

Jason Resch jasonresch at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 23:31:51 UTC 2025

This seems to be the trend in which physics is going. I write about Hawking
and Hertog, as well as other physicists going down this line, here:


There is already loose empirical confirmation that the laws of physics and
appearance of the universe results from a statistics on possible
observations weighted by the complexity of the computations that generate

This explains why the universe has computable, probabilistic, simple, laws,
the property of time, as well as a beginning in time, why matter is non
cleanable, and why Occam's razor works / why math is "unreasonably
effective" at explaining the natural world.

See: https://alwaysasking.com/why-does-anything-exist/#Confirming_Evidence

For more examples/explanation.


On Wed, Feb 5, 2025, 7:01 AM BillK via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Why Stephen Hawking changed his mind about the observer
> 4th February 2025   Thomas Hertog
> <https://iai.tv/home/speakers/thomas-hertog>
> Professor of Cosmology at KU Leuven and Author of On the Origin of Time:
> Stephen Hawking's Final Theory
> <https://iai.tv/articles/stephen-hawkings-radical-final-theory-auid-3067>
> Quote:
> *Stephen Hawking, near the end of his life and career, came to believe
> that his early work had been mistaken. In particular, Hawking came to
> believe that science does not provide a "God’s-eye view" of reality.
> Rather, we need to build a theory of the universe from the inside-out, from
> within; reasoning backwards from our place as an observer. The later
> Hawking, along with his collaborator, cosmologist Thomas Hertog, argues for
> a model of the universe not as a machine, but as a self-organising entity,
> in which the laws of physics themselves evolved within and after the
> furnace of the Big Bang.*
> *----------------------*
> In the hope that an AI could help to understand this article, I asked for
> an explanation.
> BillK
> Phind AI
> Stephen Hawking's final theory, developed in collaboration with Thomas
> Hertog, represents a radical shift in our understanding of the universe and
> its origins. This theory, published shortly before Hawking's death in 2018,
> fundamentally challenges traditional views of cosmology and introduces what
> Hertog calls a "neo-organicist" perspective on the cosmos.
> ###  Core Theory Components
> 1. **Top-Down Cosmology**  - Reverses traditional bottom-up approaches to
> understanding the universe
>   - Builds theory from the inside-out, starting with our observations
>   - Places human observation at the center of cosmic understanding
> 2. **Finite Universe Model**  - Predicts a finite, smooth universe rather
> than an infinite fractal structure
>   - Challenges the conventional theory of eternal inflation
>   - Implies a significant reduction in the multiverse concept
> 3. **Self-Organizing Universe**  - Views the universe as an evolving,
> self-organizing entity
>   - Physics laws emerge from cosmic evolution rather than existing prior
> to it
>   - Introduces a Darwinian perspective to physical laws
> Traditional approaches start with assumed initial laws and evolve them
> forward to match observations (bottom-up). In contrast, Hawking's final
> theory works backward from our current observations to understand the
> universe's initial state (top-down), effectively putting "humankind back in
> the center [of cosmological theory]".
> ###  Scientific Implications
> 1. **Testing and Predictions**
>   - Makes the theory more predictive and testable than infinite multiverse
> models
>   - Predicts observable gravitational waves from early universe inflation
>   - Could be verified by future experiments measuring cosmic microwave
> background
> 2. **Philosophical Shift**
>   - Challenges traditional views of physical laws as fixed entities
>   - Introduces evolutionary principles to fundamental physics
>   - Replaces machine-like universe concept with organic evolution
> ###  Broader Impact
> 1. **Integration of Physics and Biology**
>   - Places physics and biology on equal footing
>   - Views physical laws as emergent patterns rather than eternal truths
>   - Provides new perspective on cosmic evolution
> 2. **Understanding Life's Origins**
>   - Addresses why the universe appears "fine-tuned" for life
>   - Explains delicate balances in particle forces
>   - Provides framework for understanding cosmic hospitability
> ###  Future Directions
> The theory opens several avenues for future research:
> - Testing predictions through gravitational wave detection
> - Further development of holographic cosmology principles
> - Integration with biological evolution concepts
> - Experimental verification through cosmic microwave background
> measurements
> This final theory represents Hawking's most mature understanding of the
> cosmos, moving beyond his earlier work described in "A Brief History of
> Time" toward a more integrated view of physics and biology. Its emphasis on
> observation and evolutionary principles offers a fresh perspective on the
> nature of reality itself, challenging traditional views while providing new
> paths for experimental verification.
> -----------------------
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