[ExI] [Extropolis] Should we still want biological space colonists?

efc at disroot.org efc at disroot.org
Sun Feb 9 11:40:30 UTC 2025

On Sat, 8 Feb 2025, Jason Resch wrote:

> I know there used to be a real life organized Turing test, have those still
> been happening?
> It looks like it stopped in 2020:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loebner_Prize
> And just when things were getting interesting..

What a shame! =(

"In addition, there were two one-time-only prizes that have never been awarded.
$25,000 is offered for the first program that judges cannot distinguish from a
real human and which can convince judges that the human is the computer program.
$100,000 is the reward for the first program that judges cannot distinguish from
a real human in a Turing test that includes deciphering and understanding text,
visual, and auditory input. The competition was planned to end after the
achievement of this prize."

25k and 100k, given the money that is sloshing around at the moment, those are
tiny figures!

It would be fun to revive the prize and see how much the technology has improved
since 2019.

Sigh... yet another thing to add to my to do list. ;)

Best regards, 

> Jason 
> Jason 
>       The censoring should of course be trivial to remove, since our dear AI:s were
>       quite open with all kinds of requests a year ago.
>       >   so the AI would have to learn subterfuge, strategy and an understanding of
>       > the human limitations that it does not suffer from, and how those limitations
>       > must be imitated in order for it not to give itself away.
>       >
>       >       > At a certain point, the test becomes a meta test, where the machine
>       >       > finds it does so much better than the human at imitating, that it
>       >       > gives itself away. It then must change gears to imitate not the target
>       >       > of imitation, but the opponent humans tasked with imitation. At the
>       >       > point such meta tests reliably pass, we can conclude the AI is more
>       >       > intelligent than humans in all domains (at least!in all domains that
>       >       > can be expressed via textual conversation).
>       >
>       >       Exactly. Agreed!
>       >
>       >       Let me also wish you a pleasant saturday evening!
>       >
>       >
>       > You as well! :-)
>       Thank you Jason! =)
>       Best regards,
>       Daniel
>       > Jason
>       >
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