[ExI] A science-religious experience

Rafal Smigrodzki rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 17:22:57 UTC 2025

On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 6:47 AM Jason Resch via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> . Should an intelligent civilization or superintelligent AI arise in such
> a universe it would possess the power to simulate, in full detail, any
> other universe.
> Might it choose to save those conscious beings it discovers along the way,
> by providing them a virtual heaven/afterlife? Might it save the last
> conscious being from the heat death of its universe by transporting its
> mind to the realm of unlimited computation, where it may continue forever?
> Perhaps not, but in an infinite reality filled with all possibilities, at
> least one such AIs would. And it only takes one. Such a beneficent AI can
> grant all beings the possibility of escape from the end of their finite
> lives or their own finite universes.
> and

> It's worth noting that there are some physicists who think it may be
> possible to perform infinite computation in this universe. Frank Tipler
> proposes that in a future Big Crunch scenario it will be possible to
> perform infinite computation (Tipler's Omega point cosmology). While
> Freeman Dyson proposes that if the universe expands and cools forever, one
> can compute more and more with less energy, such that with finite energy
> one can compute an infinite amount (Dyson's eternal intelligence).
> So it's possible something like Asimov's last question could come to pass.
### Which is one of the reasons I refer to reading it as a
science-*religious* experience :)

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