[ExI] Quantum computers in just a few years

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 19:01:14 UTC 2025

With Majorana, Microsoft Says Quantum Is Years, Not Decades, Away
February 20, 2025 Jeffrey Burt

As if you don’t have enough to do with the AI revolution, Microsoft
says that 2025 is also the year that organizations need to begin
getting ready for quantum computing.

Mitra Azizirad, president and chief operating officer of strategic
missions and technologies for the IT and AI giant, wrote that the
world was at the “advent of the reliable quantum computing era,”
adding that “as our industry looks toward the next twelve months, the
pace of quantum research and development is only going to accelerate,
making this a critical and catalyzing time for business leaders to

Microsoft executives this week backed up their beliefs, introducing a
new chip based on a quasiparticle – Majorana – and a new state of
material – topological superconductivity – that both had been
theoretical until now, they said.

Wow!  Quantum computers and AI advances!
What's the world coming to?


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