[ExI] A science-religious experience

efc at disroot.org efc at disroot.org
Fri Feb 21 00:15:27 UTC 2025

On Thu, 20 Feb 2025, Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat wrote:

> "Prove that you have actually had experiences."
> While it is technically correct that there is no absolute proof of anything beyond "the person who is having these thoughts - which
> this language defines as I - must exist to have them, therefore I exist", it is not very useful to go down to that level.
> Moral and spiritual guidance rely on the premise that there is something to be moral and spiritual about.  By the time you're even
> having that discussion, it's generally taken for granted that one has experienced the things one remembers experiencing, et cetera.

A better way of saying it than belief and doubt "eating everything".

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