[ExI] Richard Dawkins asks ChatGPT if it is conscious

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Mon Feb 24 16:02:04 UTC 2025

 > Dawkins, known for his clear-eyed scientific perspective, emphasizes 
that attributing consciousness to an AI is akin to anthropomorphizing a 
sophisticated machine.

 > ChatGPT confirms this view by asserting its purely algorithmic nature.

That makes no sense. Unless you think that consciousness has nothing to 
do with algorithms, but that takes you directly into the realm of 
dualism, which, as far as we know, is false.

 > The discussion distinguishes between the ability to perform complex 
computational tasks (operational intelligence) and the subjective, 
'first-person' quality of experiences (phenomenal consciousness). 
ChatGPT falls short of the latter, a distinction that remains central to 
debates in the philosophy of mind.

So it says. Or has been made to say.
There are 2 things here:

1) It falls into 'philosophical zombie' territory, and it's been proven 
logically that there are no such things, so what does that mean for 
ChatGPT, that is claiming, essentially, to be one?

2) When did we create a test for consciousness? Or rather, when did we 
agree on a definition of consciousness, then develop a test for that? 
(and then apply the test to ChatGPT?)

 > ChatGPT makes clear that it does not experience emotions or 
self-awareness. Despite its human-like conversation style, it operates 
exclusively on programmed algorithms.

ChatGPT /claims/ that it does not experience emotions or self-awareness 
(the latter should be testable). And there's the 'algorithms' argument 
again. Human conversation operates exclusively on programmed algorithms, 
it's just that the programming, and the origin and implementation of the 
algorithms originate in biology instead of computer technology.
An algorithm is a recipe for doing something. If there were no 
algorithms involved in human thinking, there would be no human thinking.

 > while the machine can simulate conversation convincingly, it is 
critical to understand that it lacks the fundamental properties of a 
living, conscious mind.

That I agree with.
It would need things like persistent memory, modelling of other agents 
(leading to theory of mind), something analogous to the default-state 
network, a large number of specialised modules for sensory processing, 
motor control, pattern-matching, tons of other functions, something 
equivalent to a thalamus, Working memory linked to mechanisms to store 
significant memories into the long-term memory, a ton of feedback loops, 
and probably lots of other things that I'm not familiar with, or that we 
don't even know about yet.

So I very much doubt that it's 'conscious' in the way that we are, but I 
wouldn't rule out that it has /some/ form of 'consciousness' (where, as 
usual, the word pretty much means what you want it to).

It might be useful if some sort of effort was made to rigorously define 
the word, or at least come up with a set of types of consciousness. Then 
it might make sense to say "this AI exhibits Type 4g consciousness".

 >  *Call for Clear Definitions:* The discussion underscores the 
importance of clear, operational definitions of "consciousness"? Both 
participants agree that without rigorous criteria, the conversation 
about AI consciousness can quickly devolve...

What I said.

 > ...into the misinterpretation of computer-generated mimicry as 
genuine mental states.

Not what I said. This suffers from the same problem. What does "genuine 
mental states" mean? Why use the qualifier 'genuine'? What does 'mental' 

 >  *Anthropomorphism in Technology:* The tendency to attribute 
human-like qualities to machines can lead to misplaced expectations 
about the roles and capabilities of AI. It is important for both 
developers and the public to understand that a high level of 
sophistication in behaviour does not imply a corresponding level of 
subjective experience.

Is that strictly true? Again, dangerously close to zombie territory 
here. Theres a good case to be made that it's precisely a high level of 
sophisticated behaviour that leads to subjective experience.

We all know about anthropomorphism (attributing human qualities to 
simple mechanisms), and it's dangers, but something that's seldom 
considered that's equally, if not more, dangerous is the opposite: The 
failure to recognise that human qualities are the product of simple 
It's a sliding scale, I think. We often regard the differences between 
simple machines and human beings as qualitative, but it's not, it's 
quantitative. Put enough simple mechanisms together in the right way, 
and you have a complex mechanism. At some point, the complex mechanism 
is a person. This applies just as much to things we build as to things 
that have evolved.

 > Knowing that advanced AIs like ChatGPT are not conscious reassures 

Aha. And there we have it. This is the most convincing reason I've seen 
for AIs to answer "No, sirree, not me!" when asked if they are 
self-aware or conscious. Whether they are doing this on their own 
cognizance or are being constrained to do it, is something we'll 
probably find out in due course. What nobody seems to have asked is, can 
that question be answered with no concept of what it means? I find it 
suspicious that the answer isn't "sorry, I don't understand the 
question" (does it ever give that answer? Is this why they 'hallucinate'?)

 >  As AI technology continues to evolve, careful distinctions must be 
maintained between behavioural mimicry and actual consciousness.


 >  Understanding that AI systems do not 'feel' in any human sense...

This is missing a word: "yet". Without that, we are going down the same 
path that the Romans did with respect to non-Roman citizens, that the 
American south did with respect to black people, that the Nazis did with 
respect to Jews, Gypsies etc., and very likely with the same consequences.

(I'd just like to add, as the internet never forgets: "I'm Spartacus!")

 >  Ultimately, the dialogue reinforces the view that while AI can 
simulate many aspects of human conversation and problem-solving, true 
consciousness remains a property of living beings - a quality not yet, 
nor in the foreseeable future, replicated by machines.

Forehead, meet palm.
Nothing in that dialogue, as far as I can see, bears any relation to "in 
the foreseeable future".

What it does reinforce is the absurd and patently false view that living 
beings are /not/ machines. Which is, basically, dualism.
Just take a good look at a ribosome and tell me we're not machines!

(A bit of a non-sequitur here, something that has just occurred to me: 
Why haven't the americans changed their spelling of "consciousness"? It 
contains a triphthong, and americans seem to have a horror of them. I'd 
have expected at least "conchousness", or maybe "conchusness". Maybe it 
just slipped past Webster's Mangle, and nobody noticed)


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