[ExI] A paranormal prediction for the next year: An apology

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Thu Jan 9 16:13:23 UTC 2025

I should apologise for saying once more that John K Clarke was 
'banished' from the list. It was pointed out to me last year, that this 
is not exactly true. I asked for alternative wording, but the only 
suggestion was "As John is no longer posting ...", which struck me as 
being dishonest, or at least misleading, even if it is strictly true, as 
he was, in effect, 'induced to leave' rather than leaving of his own 
free will.

Anyway, I forgot about it, and re-used the same phrasing as last time. 
Apologies if I've annoyed anyone, and I'll think of a different way of 
putting it for next time.


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