[ExI] More AI = Less Human thinking

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 13:37:54 UTC 2025

Increased AI use linked to eroding critical thinking skills
by Justin Jackson  January 13, 2025

AI's influence is growing fast. A quick search of AI-related science
stories reveals how fundamental a tool it has become. Thousands of
AI-assisted, AI-supported and AI-driven analyses and decision-making
tools help scientists improve their research.

An attractive aspect of AI tools is cognitive offloading, where
individuals rely on the tools to reduce mental effort. As the
technology is both very new and rapidly being adopted in unforeseeable
ways, questions arise about its potential long-term impacts on
cognitive functions like memory, attention, and problem-solving under
prolonged periods or volume of cognitive offloading taking place.

Obviously, I immediately off-loaded my critical thinking and asked for
an AI opinion.

Perplexity AI thinks -
The article suggests that we might be entering a stage of human
development where traditional critical thinking skills become less
As AI potentially surpasses human capabilities in various domains,
from medical diagnostics to environmental problem-solving, the need
for human-derived critical thinking might diminish
As AI becomes more integral to daily life, finding a balance between
leveraging its benefits and maintaining critical thinking skills will
be crucial, at least as long as these skills retain their value in

That final comment seems to be hinting that you poor humans will soon
be able to give up thinking and just leave that difficult task to
us superior AIs.


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