[ExI] rebuild los angeles

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 14:11:54 UTC 2025

On Thu, 16 Jan 2025 at 16:07, <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
> After the big 1989 earthquake, many California building codes changed.  The homes built since 1992 have features such as narrow eves, crack-stop stucco externals, concrete shingle with metal lathe interfaces everywhere.  The home can burn if ignited from within, but is quite unlikely to be ignited by falling embers.  A neighborhood built after 1992 is highly unlikely to combust in a chain reaction, as was seen in the Los Angeles area.
> spike
> ----------------------------

Why these houses survived the L.A. fires.
More than 10,000 houses burned in Los Angeles. But fire-resistant
design helped keep some standing even on blocks where the rest were
By Adele Peters   01-18-2025

The neighborhood was devastated.
On one side of the street, around 60 houses in a row had burned.
But the newly built house was still standing.

In part, it was luck. But the property had also been designed with a
few extra steps that made it less likely to burn—and could be an
example for others when rebuilding begins in the burn zone.

Looks like fire protection and clearing a zone around the house works.


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