<html><head><base href="http://www.femtopizza.net/"</head><body bgcolor="white" text="black"> From <a href="http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/12/01/1410242">Slashdot</a>: ABC Science have posted an article about an Australian geneticist pushing for free access to the scientific tools of modern biology and genetics.
<br />From the original article "<a href="http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s999733.htm">Push to free up biotech tools for all</a>": Dr Richard Jefferson, founder of the non-profit organisation <a href="http://www.cambia.org/">CAMBIA</a> based in Canberra, is urging the global biotechnology community to support a new program to promote this "open access". The new program is called Biological Innovation for Open Society (BIOS) and Jefferson will announce it at the World Economic Forum to be held in Davos, Switzerland next January. Jefferson said the tools of innovation were being withheld from the public and from innovators themselves, stifling competition, fair play and creativity.
<br />Jefferson called for a "democratisation of innovation" based on "open source genetics". Central to this concept was a distinction between the tools of innovation and the products of innovation. Tools of genetics and modern biology should be made freely available just as computer programming tools were shared in the open source software movement, he said. <br /><br />--<br><font color="gray" size="2">Posted by G. P. to <a href="http://www.femtopizza.net/">femtopizza</a> at 12/2/2003 01:58:01 PM</font><br /><br /><font face="sans-serif"size="1" color="silver">Powered by <a href="http://www.blogger.com"><font color="#ffcc33">Blogger Pro</font></a></font></body></html>