<DIV>I have to agree with you on this one Spike. To recognize the brainwash for what it is is to be incensed by it. It seems to start earlier every year. I swear it started the day after Thanksgiving this year. Hey anybody know where I can buy leaping lords? I need ten of them. <BR><BR><B><I>Spike <spike66@comcast.net></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><BR>I do not have an extropic answer to this problem:<BR>around christmas, all you hear is christmas music,<BR>for a two solid months, from just before Halloween<BR>until just after New Years, and it drives me CRAZY.<BR>The real problem is that there aren't enough different<BR>songs, so they play the saaaammme ooooonnnnes <BR>over and over and over and over and every yahoo has a <BR>slightly different version of the same old thing. But <BR>the real problem is that in the shopping malls, they<BR>have instrumental versions, and you can't help<BR>thinking the words! Just try: you can't do it. <BR>Try to not think of the words to Jingle Bells next <BR>time you hear it, and good luck.<BR><BR>The next biggest problem is that the words are<BR>absurd, the ones you cannot help thinking of, since<BR>we are all hypnotized and thought-controlled to think<BR>of those words whenever we hear the
tunes, and buy stuff.<BR><BR>Consider the words to the little drummer boy for instance.<BR>OK now, first of all, drums do not go rumpapum pum, they<BR>go rattatat tat. Secondly, what of the ox and lamb? What<BR>exactly is included in "keeping time?" Were the ox and<BR>lamb gently swaying to the beat? Friends, that kinda thing<BR>creeps me out. I form a mental image like something<BR>outta Hitchcock. So it is a bit unclear at best, but in<BR>any case, keeping time is not something I want to see a<BR>bunch of goddam livestock doing anywhere near a newborn.<BR>He would have nightmares until well past adolescence.<BR><BR>And that bit about making a snowman and pretending he<BR>Parson Brown. They are holding a running conversation with <BR>a pile of SNOW, fer cryin out loud. Someone has put <BR>angel dust in their stockings you can be sure.<BR><BR>spike<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>extropy-chat mailing
list<BR>extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org<BR>http://lists.extropy.org/mailman/listinfo/extropy-chat</BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><BR><BR>The Avantguardian <br><br><br>"He stands like some sort of pagan god or deposed tyrant. Staring out over the city he's sworn to . . .to stare out over and it's evident just by looking at him that he's got some pretty heavy things on his mind."<p><hr SIZE=1>
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