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<td bgcolor="#0000FF" width="220" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">03-11-04</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#0099FF" width="100%" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">Next steps for VP Summit I, Plans for II and III</font></td>
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<td bgcolor="#0066FF" colspan="2" align="left"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="5" color="#FFFFFF">Extropy Institute Newsletter</font></td>
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VP Summit I Recap on Principle Outcome; Plans for Summits II and III
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<li style="color:#000000"><a href="#feature" style="color:#000000"><b>Summit's Success <br>Leads to Summits<br> II and III</b></a>
<li style="color:#000000"><a href="#article1" style="color:#000000">What to call the Summit's Principle? <br>You decide!</a>
<li style="color:#000000"><a href="#article2" style="color:#000000">What about VP Summits <br>II and III?</a>
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<font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="4" color="#000000">Summit's Success <br>Leads to Summits<br> II and III</font>
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ExI is taking its drafted plans for two more Summits to
the drawing
board. Frankly, if the Summit had not gone well, we
would not be
considering more of the same. Since it did, we are in
the pre-planning stages for Summits II and III.<p>
<br><br><br><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="4" color="#000000">Quick Links...</font>
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<!-- BEGIN: Greeting and Introductory Paragraphs -->
<p>For launching a "first time" event, designing the
infrastructure and bringing it all together, I'm pleased
to say that Extropy Institute produced a successful
Vital Progress Summit.
<p> In the post-Summit wrap-up, we learned
that there were supportive and
encouraging comments for ExI continuing this format
for the upcoming VP Summits II and III. We also
recevied a lot of pros and a few cons concerning a few
glitches, but they were
minor in light of the accessibility and
workability of the infrastructure.
<p>But before we announce the plans for the next stages
of the VP Summits (II, and III), let's recap what
actually occurred during ExI's February Vital Progress
Summit I.
<b>How Many People Attended the online Summit?
people attended the Summit. This number does not
include anyone who just stopped by to take a
<b>How long did the Summit last?</b> We expected it
to last 2
weeks, giving participants enough time to come and go
at their own leisure. However, we did extend it one
week, and I still am getting messages from people who
want to get involved.
<b>What can we expect the Summit outcome or
deliverables?</b> That will be completed the month of
and we will have a new webpage at Extropy Institue's
website for this.
What are the next steps? <b><i>See below!</i></b><p>
<!-- END: Greeting and Introductory Paragraphs -->
<td valign="top"><a name="article1"></a><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">
<font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#333366">
<b>What to call the Summit's Principle? <br>You decide!</b>
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One outcome of the Summit I is to author a principle
countering the misuse of the well-known "Precautionary
Principle" as a rallying tool against positive uses of
biotechnology. So Max More asked Summit
participants: <p> "As the VP Summit begins to formally
reach its close (though activity will continue on the
site and on sculpting outcomes from inputs), I think we
need a place to gather candidates for an alternative to
the Precautionary Principle. Our Proactionary Principle
should draw on all the smart
thinking during the VP Summit to succinctly make a
point about vigorous progress with reasonable/balanced
"My challenge to you: Offer a candidate version of the
Proactionary Principle
that manages to say essentially what needs to be said
while remaining brief and easily digestible."<p>
<b>Response from Reason, Reason Founder, Longevity
Meme: </b>
"'Proactionary principle' - I do like that. A meme to keep
working on - can't oppose the precautionary principle
without offering something better in its place. Never
criticise without proposing a solution, as they say.
I always have good things to say about those who
stand up and do what needs to be done. Proactive is
good. A proactionary principle could say exactly the
same thing on paper as the precautionary principle, but
it would still be better - as the default behavior is "do"
as opposed to 'not do.'"<p>
<b>Response from Ben Hjink, ExI's Transhumansit
"I had actually been ready to propose a 'Progress
Principle' but '<b>Proactionary</b>' is MUCH less
ambiguous. First some concentrated content (to be
flexibly employed):
1. Cognitive Liberty (Center for Cog Lib and Ethics)
2. Self-ownership (Max More)
3. Morphological Freedom (Anders Sandburg)
4. Basis in fallibilistic inquiry (scientific method and
intersubjective dialog)
5. Necessity of freedom of "Experiments in Living" for
any progress + maintenance of "living truths"
over "dead dogmas" (J.S. Mill)
6. Personhood ethics from many angles (virtue,
consequentialist, deontological) over particularly
*inflexible* perspectives, be they sociobiological (Kass,
E.O. Wilson), religious dogmatism (ensoulment at
conception and command ethics), or "deep ecologist"
fundamentalism (E.arth L.iberation F.ront). (Max More,
7. Factoring of COSTS from delays, restrictions, and
bans into decisions concerning any regulatory proposal.
Mindfulness of urgent need by groups of individuals.
Tolerance for augmentational experiments in living, be
they ever so unpopular, that do not directly harm
8. Pragmatic values of reason and empathy
9. More active perspectives of "removing obstacles" to
the cultivation and development of personal faculties
may be woven into dialogue, but in questions of
compulsion, J.S. Mill's values of free choice and
personal liberty for those "in the fullness of their
faculties" (or baseline adults) embodied in his "Harm
Principle" generally outweighs well-intentioned but-
possibly-wrong efforts like TH Green's "positive
These are merely preliminary suggestions I hope will be
critiqued as the list is extended.<p>
Max More responds to Ben:
You noted: 'pro- + reactive? : acting in anticipation of
future problems, needs, or changes.'
>From a strategic planning perspective, you can
distinguish four approaches to the future (not counting
the resisters):
Reactive: planning by looking back at what already
Inactive: Going with the flow, swept along by events.
Preactive: Preparing for the future.
Proactive: Designing and creating the future.
One reason I like 'Proactionary Principle' rather
than 'Progress Principle' is that (apart from being more
distinctive) the phrase distinguishes it from the more
strenuous 'Perpetual Progress' found in the Principles of
Extropy. Our PP should be acceptable to a wider range
of individuals and orgs than the distinctively
transhumanist principle in the Principles of Extropy."<p>
<p align="right"><a href="http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=vfzomzn6.rmatvyn6.plr4mzn6.yb4rxun6.2058&p=http%3A%2F%2Fsummit.extropy.org" style="color:#333366">Read about the Summit.</A> »<p>
<td valign="top"><a name="article2"></a><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">
<font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#333366">
<p><b>What about VP Summits <br>II and III?</b>
<hr size="1" color="#0099FF" NOSHADE>
<b>What is VP Summit II?</b>
<br>The next stage of the Summit Series while will
focus on
religions, featuring keynotes from a broad spectrum of
religous beliefs.<p>
<b>What is the Date of Summit II?</b>
<br>It is scheduled for
June/July, 2004.<p>
<b>What about Summit III?</b>
<br>So far, it looks like VP Summit III will focus on
<b>What is the Date of Summit III?</b>
<br>It is scheduled for October, 2004.<p>
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