<DIV>Being a cynic, as well as a misanthrope, I think responsibility is more important than liberty, as one person's liberty can be another's enemy or slavery... liberty is something I have some trouble understanding. </DIV>
<DIV>But responsibility (or liability) is something even an urban peasant can grasp: domestically in first-world nations the private sector is the responsibility of government while the public sector is the responsibility of no one since there is little liability involved. </DIV>
<DIV>Private investment in third-world nations is of course the liability of the private investors involved, while foreign aid is obviously the liability of taxpayers in first world nations, and when foreign aid is 'lost' (i.e. stolen) no one is liable so more aid can be sent (to again be stolen, perhaps). How is that for cynicism? </DIV></DIV></DIV><p>
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