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<TITLE>RE: [extropy-chat] Fwd: Mandatory draft for your child?</TITLE>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>Should we use a better formula (maybe Bayesian inference) to estimate the probability of a US parent having </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>(at least) one child serving in Iraq?</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>An easier and more accurate estimate is counting first how many parents we have in US.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>I guess there should be less than 290 million divided by 4 (assume the average family members are 4).</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Then Congress is roughly the same as 'its fair share'.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>(Note: I have no special preference to M. Moore.)</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>Thanks.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Walter.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>---------</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>-----Original Message-----</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>From: extropy-chat-bounces@lists.extropy.org [<A HREF="mailto:extropy-chat-bounces@lists.extropy.org">mailto:extropy-chat-bounces@lists.extropy.org</A>] On Behalf Of Mike Lorrey</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 2:32 AM</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>To: ExI chat list</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Fwd: Mandatory draft for your child?</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>--- Olga Bourlin <fauxever@sprynet.com> wrote: </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>> > Fox, meet henhouse....</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>> Henhouse, meet fox ...</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>> "...of 535 members of Congress, only one has a child serving with the</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>> military in Iraq.":</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>> <A HREF="http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/opinion/2002058054_pitts10.html" TARGET="_blank">http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/opinion/2002058054_pitts10.html</A></FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Since my original post on the bbs apparently isn't copying to the</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>list...</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>It is rather telling, Olga, when a newspaper uses Michael Moore as a</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>'reliable source'. According to this article:</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2><A HREF="http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/military/20040913-9999-1m13duncan.html" TARGET="_blank">http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/military/20040913-9999-1m13duncan.html</A></FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>There are as many as eight members of Congress with children who have</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>served, are serving, or are on their way to, Iraq, including Joe Biden,</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>D-NJ. One has three kids in the military, and another has a child on</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>active duty and another at the Naval Academy.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>While this is still less than 2% of the entire congress, it is above</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>average for the general population, where the US population is</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>currently 290 million and the entire US military is 1.336 million, less</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>than 1/2 of 1% are currently serving in the military in some capacity.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>As there are now 120,000 US military personnel in Iraq, the per capita</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>military people in Iraq is 0.0005. Even if only one member of congress</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>had a child serving in Iraq, that would still be 0.0020, or four times</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>greater than the US population's per capita committment as a whole.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>This analysis shows why agitprop radicals like Michael Moore are such</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>lying bastards. Congress is doing more than 'its fair share'.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>It is also rather telling that you believe a newspaper that uses a</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>nasty, lying SOB like Michael Moore as a reliable source. </FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>=====</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Mike Lorrey</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2> -William Pitt (1759-1806) </FONT>
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