Google came up with:<br><br>
<a href="http://plateaupress.com.au/wfw/continen.htm" eudora="autourl">http://plateaupress.com.au/wfw/continen.htm<br><br>
</a><div align="center"><font face="Verdana" size=1>A kids' song, sung to
the tune of "Turkey in the Straw," goes like this: <br><br>
Do your ears hang low?<br>
Do they wobble to and fro?<br>
Can you tie 'em in a know?<br>
Can you tie 'em in a bow?<br>
Can you toss 'em over your shoulder,<br>
Like a Continental soldier?<br>
Do your ears......hang.......low?<br><br>
<div>= Hara Ra (aka Gregory Yob) =</div>
harara@sbcglobal.net =</div>
<div>= Alcor North Cryomanagement =</div>
<div>= Alcor Advisor to
Board =</div>
<div>= 831 429