<DIV>It's not the public's fault they are asses, they are the victims of public educational mediocrity, (which is to say education in the overall sense of the word). One thing I've never understood is: if by any objective measure the K-12 school system is so bad then why force the poor little wretches to school at all? Why not let them stay at home to be homeschooled, or just learn a skill/craft? Life is still quite short so why send children to schools where the illiteracy rate is unacceptably high & the children pick on each other? </DIV>
<DIV>Lets have vouchers not only for private schools but also for homeshooling <BR><BR></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><EM>--- Mike Lorrey <MLORREY@YAHOO.COM>wrote:<BR>> Flying with a gun is not inconvenient. Many people<BR>> do it all the time.<BR>> It is only the public perception that it can't be<BR>> done that creates a<BR>> perception of inconvenience. The public is an ass,<BR>> as the public is<BR>> also convinced that machine guns are illegal.<BR>> <BR>> Flying, with a gun, merely becomes one more piece of<BR>> specially checked<BR>> luggage.<BR><BR>"Checked luggage" is itself an inconvenience. I don't<BR>fly much, but when I do, I've done carry-on only for<BR>the past few years. And if there are any special<BR>procedures required for a certain item, that's another<BR>inconvenience.</EM></BLOCKQUOTE><p>
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