<DIV>These are first-rate suggestions. And perhaps let certain children 'merely' obtain decent employment and not be comprehensively educated until they are in their late teens & twenties? <BR><BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><CMCMORTGAGE@SBCGLOBAL.NET>>Turn them loose with<BR>> a library and Google. I<BR>> wonder if there would be a legal and ethical way to<BR>> test this and see how it<BR>> works?<BR><BR>Do it some place that doesn't normally have schools,<BR>for instance rural India. If it's a choice between<BR>this experiment and nothing, then since it seems<BR>likely this experiment will at least not produce<BR>negative learning, that takes care of the ethical side<BR>("do no harm"). Legal is up to negotiation with the<BR>local administrators, but if you really are doing it<BR>someplace that doesn't have schools but wants them<BR>someday, approval should not be too hard to obtain.</BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p>
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