<DIV>George F. Will pointed out in 1994 that the Clintons were "condemning an entire decade", the 1980s, for being a decade of greed. And it <EM>was</EM> a decade of greed, yet so were the '70s-- which whelped the '80s. The '90s was also a decade of greed, flollowing as it did both the '70s & '80s.</DIV>
<DIV>The '50s was the decade when Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat for a white patron and go sit in one of the back seats like a good little negress. The '50s was the decade when Chuck Berry almost single handedly invented Rock & Roll; the decade when the Beatniks challenged the status quo.<BR><BR><BR>> but widespread housing discrimination, so-called "miscegenation" laws<BR>> (in some states), lynchings, outright discrimination against gay<BR>> people (just about everywhere), unequal rights where women were<BR>> concerned, prayers led by teachers in some public schools, de jure<BR>> segregation in the Southern states, unequal access to law schools and<BR>> medical schools (and the like), hardly any diversity in politics,<BR>> movies, television, books (other than the WASP model), illegal<BR>> abortions (out of necessity) - coupled with no really effective birth<BR>> control, no real undertanding, concern or protection against
corporal<BR>> child abuse and sexual child abuse, no protection for women against<BR>> sexual harrassment in the workplace, the McCarthy witch hunts ...<BR>> will this do for a start? Of course, not every family was<BR>> "repressed" (especially if they conformed and/or were of the "innie"<BR>> variety), but the repressions - and many nightmares - were cruelly<BR>> real for many, many people. <BR><BR></DIV><p>
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