<DIV>A transgendered Stalinist/neo-Stalinist in the 21st century is an embarrassment & insult to transgenders as a whole. A Nazi is embarrassing, a transgendered Nazi would be even more embarrassing and insulting to transgenders.<BR><BR><BR><EM>Then I imagine you should have said "with Stalinists like this on our<BR>side, we won't need enemies" rather than "with transgendered<BR>Stalinists like this [...]", the latter of which implies that being<BR>transgendered & Stalinist is worse than "plain" Stalinist.<BR></EM><BR>My evidence is anecdotal & empirical.</DIV>
<DIV>WWP and its satellite groups are determined Leninists advocating violent revolution, the destruction of the bourgeoisie. Of course they are not going to advertise such! Are Nazis going to say "we want to ship blacks back to Africa and kill the jews"?</DIV>
<DIV>I worked with WWP for a year, I've monitored them ever since, they are Stalinists/neo-Stalinists. Read their website very carefully, you will see.</DIV>
<DIV><BR><EM>Could you point out where on Feinberg's site, or on the WWP's site,<BR>any gross exile, imprisonment, torture, or execution is advocated? Or<BR>is your reason for this strong claim purely anecdotal?<BR><BR>J</EM></DIV><p>
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