<DIV>It doesn't appear many know just how butcherous the Baathist regime was, and the remnants <EM>still </EM>are. Saddam's regime was a pan-Arab Stalinist one that not only murdered but also tortured, mutilated and raped (and all those other verbs we use to frighten each other with).</DIV>
<DIV>The Iraq war isn't a war such as Vietnam where America went into a nation without being able to improve the situation, in Iraq the citizens had no place to go but up. However what the future will bring is anyone's guess.<BR></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Sorry Samantha, but Ned is right here. You can't call a voter turnout<BR>of over 60% a 'farcical event' when that exceeds the typical turnout<BR>for US elections. In spite of 44 people being killed in violence<BR>(including a child suffering from Downs syndrome used as a suicide<BR>bomber), the Iraqi elections were an unqualified success, as<BR>international observers have all said. Turnout in the shiite and<BR>kurdish areas was over 70% according to reports, so it appears the only<BR>people who were discouraged from voting by the Sunni terrorists were<BR>the Sunni citizens of Iraq. Holy backfires, batman. The mayor of Bagdad<BR>has stated that they are going to erect a statue of Bush in the city<BR>center as a 'hero of freedom'. Hope his pose isn't the same as Saddams<BR>(assuming they use the same pedestal).<BR><BR>What successful iraqi elections do is expose the lie of
the<BR>anti-Americanistas here and elsewhere who claim all sorts of ulterior<BR>motives. It will discredit the socialist/internationalist forces here<BR>in the US and give further impetus to various "US out of the UN/UN out<BR>of the US" campaigns around the US.<BR><BR>Now Annan's son has copped to all the charges of corruption on the oil<BR>for food scandal. The UN and the european anti-americanistas are going<BR>down in flames. Marc Rich, the Clinton pardon recipient, is being<BR>implicated as a major player in this criminal enterprise. No surprise<BR>there. Word is coming down that the Clintons themselves may be<BR>involved. Shall we call this the "Blackwater" scandal?<BR><BR>The only farcical events are now any time the UN purports to represent<BR>world opinion.<BR><BR>--- Samantha Atkins <SJATKINS@MAC.COM>wrote:<BR><BR>> I don't see the logic. How can any outcome of that farcical event<BR>> say anything relevant about how fascist the US is or is not? Even the<BR><BR>>
most miraculous outcome would not change the nature of our<BR>> government.<BR>> <BR>> -s<BR>> <BR>> On Jan 27, 2005, at 6:33 PM, Ned Late wrote:<BR>> <BR>> > Let's give the coming Iraq election-- and those Iraqi<BR>> > elections coming afterwards-- a chance, before we call<BR>> > the current administration fascist. If Iraq eventually<BR>> > succeeds in transforming into a democracy then the<BR>> > Bush administration wins and will not be remembered as<BR>> > fascist.<BR>> > The victors write the history books. If the Axis had<BR>> > won WWII we'd be eating sushi & rice and reading in<BR>> > German how Hitler vanquished Communism 60 years ago.<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > <BR>> > __________________________________<BR>> > Do you Yahoo!?<BR>> > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.<BR>> > http://mobile.yahoo.com/maildemo<BR>> >
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