<DIV>Dear friends,<BR><BR> Remember to register for the Millennium Project meetings in <BR>Brussels, where I will be participating as well. This will be a fascinating <BR>conference and you can read all about it here:<BR><BR><A href="http://www.wallonie-en-ligne.net/2005_EuMPI/" target=_blank><FONT color=#003399>http://www.wallonie-en-ligne.net/2005_EuMPI/</FONT></A><BR><BR> We have also finalized the arrangements for our first informal <BR>transhumanist meeting in Brussels on Sunday, April 17, 2:00 pm. <BR>Charles-Philip Bentley has prepared a very nice web page with all the <BR>information, and it looks very nice:<BR><BR><A href="http://users.coditel.net/mordan/transhumanism/home.html" target=_blank><FONT color=#003399>http://users.coditel.net/mordan/transhumanism/home.html</FONT></A><BR><BR> In the meantime, take a look at this great transhumanist <BR>video produced by the respected French scientist Joel de
Rosnay, author of <BR>the excellent book "The Symbiotic Man" (published in 2000). Don't miss <BR>it, since it is really beautiful, and the French accent gives it a very <BR>special flavour:<BR><BR><A href="http://www.cite-sciences.fr/english/ala_cite/expo/tempo/defis/recit_1/clipfinal2.swf" target=_blank><FONT color=#003399>http://www.cite-sciences.fr/english/ala_cite/expo/tempo/defis/recit_1/clipfinal2.swf</FONT></A><BR> <BR> I am truly looking forward to meeting you all soon and then <BR>hosting you in Venezuela next Summer for the next international transhumanist <BR>conference:<BR><BR><A href="http://www.transhumanismo.org/tv05">www.TransHumanismO.org/tv05</A></DIV>
<DIV><BR> Transhumanistically yours,<BR><BR> La vie est belle!<BR><BR> Yosé (www.cordeiro.org)<BR><BR><BR><BR><STRONG><FONT size=4>Informal Meeting in Brussels for Transhumanist Enthusiasts!<BR><BR>Sunday, April 17, 2:00 pm, Hotel Carrefour de l’Europe</FONT></STRONG><BR><BR><BR><BR>Next Sunday, April 17. The first rendez-vous is at the train station called "Gare Centrale" in the middle of Brussels at 2:00 pm in the afternoon. From there, we will head to a nice cafe where late arrivers can join us. The final meeting place is the "Barista Lounge" of the hotel "Carrefour de l'Europe". The exact address is:<BR><BR>Hotel Carrefour de l'Europe, “Barista Lounge”<BR>Grasmarkt / Rue Marché aux herbes #110<BR>B-1000 Brussels<BR><BR><IMG height=246 src="http://users.coditel.net/mordan/transhumanism/images/index_r6_c2.jpg" width=150><BR>"See map and look for the red arrow pointing to the location of the <BR>"Barista
Lounge".<BR><BR>This meeting is open for uncommitted transhumanists! Participants do <BR>not have to be members of the World Transhumanist Association. All <BR>curious people are welcome if interested in transhumanist values, the <BR>organization, the declaration articles, and anything else related to this <BR>fascinating line of thought called transhumanism.<BR><BR>Looking forward seeing you!<BR><BR>Contact: <A href="http://us.f413.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=wta-belgium@yahoogroups.com&YY=9779&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b"><FONT color=#003399>wta-belgium@yahoogroups.com</FONT></A><BR><BR> <BR>Confirmed attendants (as of April 9)<BR><BR>Jose Cordeiro (<A href="http://www.cordeiro.org/" target=_blank><FONT color=#003399>http://www.cordeiro.org/</FONT></A>)<BR>Charles-Philip Bentley (+32 0498 919596, Home: 119A Rue de Laeken 1000 <BR>Bruxelles)<BR>Rene M Finkler<BR>Samuele Bennici (+32 049-/27.47.51)<BR>Julien Cohen (to be confirmed)
<BR>Frederik Cheeseman (to be confirmed)<BR>Gustavo Lacerda (to be confirmed)<BR>Bruno Degreef (to be confirmed)<BR>Kedji Kiwewa (to be confirmed) <BR><BR><IMG height=669 src="http://users.coditel.net/mordan/transhumanism/images/brussels_map.jpg" width=697><BR><BR>from <A href="http://www.ilotsacre.be/site/fr/default_fr.htm" target=_blank><FONT color=#003399>http://www.ilotsacre.be/site/fr/default_fr.htm</FONT></A> <BR><BR>Metro Stations<BR><BR>from <A href="http://www.stib.irisnet.be/FR/31000F.htm" target=_blank><FONT color=#003399>http://www.stib.irisnet.be/FR/31000F.htm</FONT></A> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><IMG height=855 src="http://www.stib.irisnet.be/Graphic/newplanMetr.gif" width=1180><BR></DIV></DIV></DIV><BR><BR><DIV>
<P>La vie est belle!<BR><BR>Yosé (<A href="http://www.cordeiro.org">www.cordeiro.org</A>)</P>
<P>Caracas, Venezuela, Americas, TerraNostra, Solar System, Milky Way, Multiverse</P></DIV></DIV>