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What I mean is to delineate the point of diminishing returns at which<br>
testing out technology by military enterprises no longer serves the
of yielding information from which to make more durable or efficient<br>
or yield improved technological innovations.<br>
Putting AK47's and and landmines cannot possibly yield much towards an
improved human condition.<br>
Putting up a GPS satellite network does improve the human condition in
measureable ways.<br>
One could begin to classify global military activity into a spectrum
and rate the<br>
societal or other benefits, short, medium and long term of these
This like QALY ratings for medical intervention economics might yield
a cost/benefit<br>
system for military activity economics.<br>
This might allow rationalization of global military economics.<br>
<span class="q">LIFESPAN PHARMA Inc.<br>
Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc.<br>
Mission: To Preserve, Protect and Enhance Lifespan<br>
Plant-based Natural-health Bio-product Bio-pharmaceuticals<br>
<a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"
href="http://www.angelfire.com/on4/extropian-lifespan" target="_blank">http://www.angelfire.com/on4<wbr>/extropian-lifespan</a><br>
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href="http://www.4xtralifespans.bravehost.com/" target="_blank">http://www.4XtraLifespans<wbr>.bravehost.com</a><br>
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href="mailto:megao@sasktel.net">megao@sasktel.net</a>, <a
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Extreme Life-Extension ..."The most dangerous idea on earth"<br>
</span>-Leon Kass , Bioethics Advisor to George Herbert Walker Bush,<br>
June 2005<br>
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<span class="q" id="q_10467a65daa0336f_5"><br>
Radical Life-Extension Bioscience<br>
+ Total Information Awareness Globalized Info-science<br>
= The 21st Century Paradigm ........<br>
Re-inventing the Human Condition from Quantum to Macro<br>
*"I will live each 50 years, one at a time".... Morris Johnson - June