At 08:59 PM 6/16/2005, Keith wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">But I doubt many raised in
transhumanist households think much about it.</blockquote><br>
Why do you think teenagers would not think about the future, live
extension and living past 100? <br><br>
From my meager experience teaching in High School, social sciences
covered current social conditions and living longer is a topic that is,
in fact, being discussed today. Further, I lectured at a the
<font size=2>Milken Community High School</font> in Los Angeles
specifically to discuss living longer and cryonics.<br><br>
Many high schools have programs for health awareness and economics.
Some have investing programs, which contain studies on retirement and how
to prepare for the future. <br><br>
It would be highly unlikely for teenagers not to consider health and
living longer, also since it is often the topic of their teenager
<dd><font size=2><a href="http://www.natasha.cc/">Natasha
</a><a href="http://www.natasha.cc/">Vita-More</a>
<dd>Cultural Strategist, Designer
<dd>Studies of the Future, University of Houston
<dd>President, <a href="http://www.extropy.org/">Extropy Institute</a>
<dd>Founder, <a href="http://www.transhumanist.biz/">Transhumanist Arts
& Culture</a> <br><br>
<dd><font face="Times New Roman, Times"><i>Knowledge is the most
democratic source of power.</i> Alvin Toffler
<dd><i>Random acts of kindness... </i>Anne Herbet<br><br></font>