<DIV>What worries me isn't so much the minor issue of the legality of the war, but, rather, the financial cost (putting aside for brevity's sake here the human cost).</DIV>
<DIV> Can we afford to pay for the Iraq and other wars? Yes. Can we pay for the wars (we can be sure the coming decades will see America & its allies involved in other theaters of wars besides the ones it now is engaged in) and ensure domestic tranquility while social programs are eroded, as almost certainly the programs will be? Economists are not magicians.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I don't accept all the self-pitying talk concerning America being as a modern day Roman Empire, with illegal immigrant barbarians invading from the south. Nevertheless, could America spend itself to a bad end as the Soviets did in 1991?</DIV><p>
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