<DIV>...However it concerns something <EM><U>too</U></EM> deep, it would take a treatise to reply to it, for brevity's sake we are limited to amateur-chat on the war, we're not current or ex military personnel, we dont know what is going on at the highest or middle levels, and as you've mentioned before you don't know what is transpiring on the ground in Iraq. I'm reading your message over & over, but we can't go any farther with your message below than we can with any other message. All our messages are discrete academic chirpings from those who don't know all that much about such complex and complicated ethical issues. Or even the historical background; there's too much to go into.</DIV>
<DIV> Let's get a first-rate ethicist with an extensive background in defense to sign up for extropy-chat and then we might go somewhere, wherever than 'somewhere' may be. But, somehow, I really and truly doubt it. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><BR><B><I>Samantha Atkins <sjatkins@mac.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<DIV>>If I were to express my abhorrence in a similar way then I would wish <BR>>that you and those who agree with you would be at ground zero if such <BR>>a thing was done. But since I understand what you apparently miss I <BR>>would not wish that on you. What you are missing is that all "those. <BR>>people" are all potential immortals. Exactly why do they deserve to <BR>>miss eternity for some real or imagined stupidities of their <BR>>(relatively) *very* early childhood? We who have not learned yet to <BR>>truly understand indefinitely long life or understand its requisites <BR>>are willing to kill all too easily.<BR><BR>- samantha</DIV><p>
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