<DIV>...but also one who knows history inside out as well as current events. Then we might <EM>begin</EM> to go somewhere. Even so would be as in a large drawing room with a full size puzzle on the floor, each holding one or two tiny pieces of the puzzle, scratching our heads. We're like meteorologists with pencils trying to draw a map of a hurricane.</DIV>
<DIV>Sure, study the issues, try to get a grasp, but you'll be studying all your life.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Here's a basic mathematical certainty: when Rumsfeld says we'll be in Iraq about twelve years, you multiply it by two and you have the number 24. We will be in Iraq a quarter century? Not unlikely, we were involved the Cold War from about 1944- 1989.</DIV><p>
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