<DIV>Yes. This something so many brood about now. But those who don't agonize about it can maybe make it if they exercise a great deal, avoid overindulgence, and don't think too much. They just manage to survive, like the peasants you hear about who live to be 105 and swear by a half a pint of whiskey and a cigar every day, who putter about their cabin and their proper-tee all day getting fresh air. Funny, some who don't think about surviving will survive, and some who want to make it bad will be unlucky-- maybe they want it too much.</DIV>
<DIV>BTW, I don't mean to pick on mobsters, they got into the union business to fill a vacuum that was there all along just waiting to be filled. They were default labor reps who were willing to extort and use force. Now they are not as powerful. </DIV>
<DIV>The military-industrial complex is too large for me to even think about, to wrap the mind around. <BR><BR>>If our world remains energy-poor, it's unlikely that any but a small <BR>>minority will be able to achieve long-term life. I daresay they'll have <BR>>to do so at the expense of other worthwhile projects, again, like <BR>>helping the helpless.<BR><BR></DIV><p>
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