I am re-posting this message because we have had a number of responses
from transhumanists who are offering their homes for people to stay, and
other types of assistance.<br><br>
But I have not heard if anyone knows of transhumanists who live in the
areas that were affected by Katrina. I urge you to please contact me or
info@extropy.org if you know of anyone who needs help or have other
suggestions to provide care for our members, friends and family members
in this devastated region. <br><br>
Thank you,<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Transhumanists -<br><br>
If you know of anyone who is located in New Orleans and other areas
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama who may need help, please contact
Transhumanist Care program at Extropy Institute by sending email to<br>
I am not sure at this time what we can do, but I do know that if there
transhumanists who are without homes, cloths, etc., we will do our best
figure something out to help them. (There are ExI members
throughout the<br>
southern states who may be available to help.)<br><br>
Many thanks,<br><br>
Natasha Vita-More<br>
President Extropy Institute<br>
Transhumanist Care Program</blockquote>
<dd><font size=2><a href="http://www.natasha.cc/">Natasha</a>
<a href="http://www.natasha.cc/">
</a><a href="http://www.natasha.cc/">Vita-More</a>
<dd>Cultural Strategist, Designer
<dd>Studies of the Future, University of Houston
<dd>President, <a href="http://www.extropy.org/">Extropy Institute</a>
<dd>Founder, <a href="http://www.transhumanist.biz/">Transhumanist Arts
& Culture</a> <br><br>
<dd><font face="Times New Roman, Times"><i>Knowledge is the most
democratic source of power.</i> Alvin Toffler
<dd><i>Random acts of kindness... </i>Anne Herbet<br><br></font>