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On the other hand government through HIPPA and IT integration of the
economic food chain<br>
is strangling risk taking such as I mentioned on my last post.<br>
Nigh to illegal in the formal med delivery system.....<br>
I was telemarketed by someone doing the 60million pre IPO raise for<br>
expansion of ( <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.singlesourcetechnology.com">http://www.singlesourcetechnology.com</a> ) <br>
a company whose software, computer service contracts and audit services<br>
will make an iron clad barrier to voluntary risk taking/off-label
prescriptive practice by medical practitioners.<br>
Cut the money and tie non-compliance to law enforcement and you choke
the ability to even consider development of non-staus quo technologies.<br>
I think Stuart's points are well worth considering in this context:<br>
The Convergence of Risk and Compliance<br>
September 13, 2005 @ 4 p.m. Eastern/ 1 p.m. Pacific<br>
Duration: 45 minutes<br>
Register & Attend Online<br>
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If you are unable to attend the live event you may still register and<br>
will receive an e-mail when the on-demand version becomes available.<br>
Event Overview:<br>
Many regulatory and governance factors influence business and IT<br>
department activities. Regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel II,<br>
GLBA, HIPAA and others have raised the bar for accountability and<br>
credibility standards. The pressure is on executive management to<br>
conduct all aspects of the business efficiently and with complete<br>
transparency, and IT must supply the tools.<br>
As corporate officers and board members demand well-orchestrated<br>
operations, the process becomes more and more complex for IT. The areas<br>
of risk, compliance and governance are beginning to merge, and the<br>
burden rests on an IT manager's shoulders to leverage compliance efforts<br>
to reduce costs and provide valuable benefits to the business process<br>
owners. Do your executives have the necessary visibility into the<br>
business risks and performance measures? Do your executives have the<br>
information they need to prioritize business risks and make informed,<br>
intelligent decisions?<br>
To achieve these goals, several disciplines must work in concert. An<br>
integrated risk and compliance (IRC) platform enables an organization to<br>
respond to the needs for business efficiency and provide both management<br>
and IT with the tools and information they need to be successful.<br>
Join this live, interactive eSeminar, sponsored by Computer Associates,<br>
D(["mb","as our panel of experts discuss:<br /><br /> * The challenges faced by both business and IT managers<br /> * Building and implementing an integrated risk and compliance strategy<br /> * Tools to help you leverage compliance efforts and help your<br /> organization excel in business and IT governance<br /><br />Featured Speakers:<br />Margaret Brooks, Vice-President, Strategic Solutions, HQ Research -<br />Computer Associates International, Inc.<br />Michael Dortch , Principal Analyst - Robert Frances Group<br />Frank Derfler, VP, Market Experts Group - Ziff Davis Media<br /><br />Sponsored by Computer Associates International, Inc.<br />For more information on CA\'s compliance solutions call 800-225-5224<br />(mention promo code 1727).<br /><br />Register & Attend Online<br /><a onclick=\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href=\"http://ct.eletters.eseminarslive.com/rd/cts?d=187-1087-1-1419-644019-19039-0-0-0-1\" ta
rget=_blank>http://ct.eletters.eseminarsli<wbr />ve.com/rd/cts?d=187-1087-1<wbr />-1419-644019-19039-0-0-0-1</a><br /><br />Please visit <a onclick=\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href=\"http://www.eSeminarslive.com\" target=_blank>www.eSeminarslive.com</a><br />for a complete list of upcoming Ziff Davis Internet eSeminars.<br /><br />If you have already registered for these eSeminars, please ignore this<br />message. Feel free to pass this e-mail along to other colleagues on<br />your team who may have an interest in attending the eSeminar above. If<br />you have problems with your registration, send e-mail to: mailto:<a onclick=\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href=\"mailto:eSeminars@ziffdavis.com\">eSeminars@ziffdavis.com</a><br /><br />You are receiving this subject matter because you requested updates from<br />eSeminars. You are subscribed with the E-mail address: <a onclick=\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href=\"m
ailto:mfj.eav@gmail.com\">mfj.eav@gmail.com</a>. If you<br />prefer not to receive information from eSeminars please click on the following link: <a onclick=\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href=\"http://ct.eletters.eseminarslive.com/rd/cts?d=187-1087-1-1419-644019-19042-0-0-0-1&email=mfj.eav@gmail.com\" target=_blank>http://ct.eletters.eseminarsli<wbr />ve.com/rd/cts?d=187-1087-1<wbr />-1419-644019-19042-0-0-0-1<wbr />&email=mfj.eav@gmail.com</a><br /><br />Ziff Davis Media 28 East 28 Street New York, NY 10016<br />",0]
our panel of experts discuss:<br>
* The challenges faced by both business and IT managers<br>
* Building and implementing an integrated risk and compliance strategy<br>
* Tools to help you leverage compliance efforts and help your<br>
organization excel in business and IT governance<br>
Featured Speakers:<br>
Margaret Brooks, Vice-President, Strategic Solutions, HQ Research -<br>
Computer Associates International, Inc.<br>
Michael Dortch , Principal Analyst - Robert Frances Group<br>
Frank Derfler, VP, Market Experts Group - Ziff Davis Media<br>