<DIV>Most feminists will listen to what you say, but when you tell them many or most women want men to be men at work but want the same men to be women at home, they just flick the switch off. Why should feminists want to hear it? Do they expect a man to come home, drink himself into a stupor and smile? Men want to unwind, play golf, watch football, get into a fight at a bar, or whatever it is that will let them unwind after work.</DIV>
<DIV>New England is a little more civilized, but right now it is dark here in Middle America and I can see but mostly hear the men itching for a small spat, guys riding around on bicycles with no headlights, students yelling happy obscenities at the top of their lungs.<BR><BR><B><I>Mike Lorrey <mlorrey@yahoo.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><BR>Quite so, but there is no chance to change it. Most women lack the left<BR>brain rational faculties. You can't win an argument with a woman. Comes<BR>partly from their upbringing too. They get taught that since it's a<BR>womans prerogative to change her mind, that any opinion is as good as<BR>any other, so the only one that matters is the one they have. When you<BR>win an argument with a woman, you've lost. So you need to figure out<BR>what your priorities are: to be right and to have your nuts cut off<BR>next chance she gets to exact revenge, or just hand them over<BR>voluntarily. They are going to get them one way or the other, and some<BR>enjoy a little bit of spunk before they reel in the catch, but your<BR>only other option is to refuse to play at all, accept what I say as<BR>gospel, and just treat them as badly.<BR><BR>Mike Lorrey<BR>Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian
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