<DIV>the papers have published literally a thousand of my letters, and the editor says they are at least as good as the others' letters. i don't care much what anyone except the editor thinks, but it's an indication of how bad the letters are here. They are negative, and positive letters are ignored or quickly forgotten here. I know just what you mean; now, i happen to like the letter, but if you don't like it there is a good reason for it-- it is negative.It was very very embarrasing on Sunday to have sent exi the letter multiple times, the letter is still in the Draft folder because deleting it might resend it. It might be the server. All i know is even when i changed the outgoing address in Draft to resend the letter, exi's address remained. i'm honestly so embarrased i want to unsubscribe, but want to stay to converse with Mike.<BR>no more letters, promise!</DIV><p>
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