<a href="http://www.alwayson-network.com/comments.php?id=12607_0_32_0_C" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">Always
On - The Techno Sapiens Are Coming - The promise and peril of
nanotechnology invite a closer look at its ethical implications</a>.
The author Dr. C. Christopher Hook, MD, quotes the conference
proceedings on "Converging Technologies for Improving Human
Performance" as seminal documents for government sponsorship of
nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive
science/cybernetics to enhance human beings. Though Dr. Hook
demonstrates a good understanding of the horizons opened by recent
advances in NBIC: "
<em>Many scholars are anticipating cyborg and nanotech enhancements as
means of forestalling aging or even pursuing immortality. The
possibilities belong mostly in the realm of science fiction right now,
but they seem less and less improbable as the years go by
</em>", he has a quite negative attitude.<br>Referring to the debate on using technology "beyond therapy" for human enhancement, Dr. Hook writes: "<em>My
hope is that those involved in this research will heed the wisdom of
the report of the president's Council on Bioethics released last
October, which examines the ethical and social meanings of using
biotechnologies for purposes "beyond therapy." It is a statement
appropriately skeptical of transhumanist and scientific utopianism
</em>".<br>My comment: I do not heed the wisdom of this report, which
seems to me more like a statement inappropriately skeptical of
progress, science and human values.<br>We have been using technology to
enhance our bodies for centuries. Reading glasses were one of the first
examples, followed by dental implants, orthopedic prostheses, and
countless other aids that have improved the quality of life of
billions. <font style="background-color: rgb(204, 255, 255);">Direct neural
interfacing with computer systems, the ultimate step toward "seamless"
interfacing by direct brain implants to which Dr. Hook refers, will be
just one more step on the same road leading to better bodies, better
minds, and a better life
</font>. As Dr. Hook says, such tools will move beyond therapy into augmentation, or enhancement, of "normal" individuals.<br>As
a humanist I affirm human values and think that whatever can improve
the quality of life of people, without decreasing the quality of life
of other people, is good and worth pursuing. As a transhumanist, I am
in favor of using technology to improve our lives by overcoming the
limitations of our bodies and minds.
<br>We do not wish humans to "<em>go gently into that good night</em>",
and we do not think this will happen. On the contrary, we see
technology enabled human enhancement as one more evolutionary step for
our species. Humans will remain humans, but with vastly improved
<br>I do not consider my frail body, short-lived and vulnerable to
horrible diseases, as a defining feature of my human identity. What I
do consider as defining features of my human identity are reason,
curiosity, understanding, and love. So even when technology will permit
<em>tapping the contents of my mind and transfering them into the metallic lattices of a computer</em>", I will retain the really important aspects of my human nature.<br>We want everyone to enjoy a better life: how can anyone be against? We find the answer in "
<em>Embodiment is fundamental to our identity, designed by God, and
sanctified by the Incarnation and bodily resurrection of our Lord</em>". So, this is just the old war of religious fundamentalists on reason, progress and humanist values.
<br>Sorry Dr. Hook, but I don't think embodiment is fundamental to my
identity, and I am not sure if I believe in any God. If I did, mine
would be a God of Love and not a God of Fear: a God who has given us a
mind capable of understanding the universe, and using such
understanding to improve our lives.