<DIV>This is the point that needs to be made. But don't forget that militants want meaning as well as revenge. Their dumb religion gives them some sort of meaning, as it gave their ancestors the same for 1,300 years. Look at America, it has what it takes to end poverty however there exists so too much bitterness and dysfunctionality. Many in America still fume about the Civil War which ended 140 years ago. As Sakharov said, alienation & criminality are the problem everywhere, if every American were wealthy families would still break up or be dysfunctional because all the wealth in the world can't magically glue back together a broken family wherein the parents despise each other. We don't like to accept irreconcilable differences-- but we have to. Now it wont harm anything to end poverty in the Arab world, but it wont make them ecumenical peaceniks filled with the desire to build an extropian world.<BR></DIV>
<DIV>>No, if everybody is poor you're not angry, just sad. Envy is the root cause<BR>>of discontent.<BR></DIV><p>
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