I just had another thought about this.<br>
It's been remarked how strange and wondrous it is that creatures
evolved for survival on the plains of Africa should be capable of
discovering relativity; and indeed our Stone Age brains have worked
surprisingly well - until now. Why should the late twentieth century
have been the time the system really started breaking down? One obvious
answer is that the evolution of lethal parasite memes only really kicks
into gear when information technology reaches a certain point.<br>
Another possible answer is that the Great Filter might have a whole
series of mini-steps _after_ the evolution of intelligence. Perhaps
most species that evolve the ability to make tools don't happen to have
the psychology to reach the Bronze Age, most of those don't invent the
printing press etc.<br>
It's interesting to note that our own species may have lasted just long
enough to still have a chance - that is, the development of new
technologies such as life extension, nanotechnology, AI etc might still
come in time. Combine that with something like the Simulation Argument,
and we would expect that most intelligent _species_ don't get to the
point of being astronomically observable, but most _observers_ find
themselves members of species that _just barely_ make it.<br>
(I'm not necessarily claiming this should be taken seriously - I'm not
sure anthropic arguments of this type have logical force (though they
have made one successful prediction that I know of) - just offering it
for those who, like me, find it amusing to dip into existential
paranoia now and then :))<br>
- Russell<br>